How Far Apart are Cornhole Boards?

Bean bag tossing, also known as cornhole, has evolved from a how far apart are cornhole boards and tailgate party game to a serious competition game. It is the best course of action whether you are starting or moving up to a more advanced level of play with a tournament on the horizon. Setting up the game correctly is essential. One of the first and most frequently asked questions is, How far apart are the cornhole boards? This article will answer that question. It will also explain the importance of the distance between cornhole boards. Additionally, the article will provide tips to help set up the game. Proper setup is crucial for a fair and enjoyable game.

When it comes to the game of cornhole, you would not understand how to set the boards and the bags but it is quite simple. You will learn how to construct cornhole boards for recreational use and follow the guidelines used in competition games.

Understanding the Basics of Cornhole Setup

Before we begin exploring the key points of constructing the cornhole game, let us first explain the elements that make up the game. You need two boards and a set of eight bags, with four bags for each team. Players then hurl the bags towards a board, aiming to place the bags either on the board or in the hole. Points are awarded based on the bags’ positions. However, before starting, it’s crucial to determine the correct distance between the boards to ensure everyone enjoys the game and it remains fair.

What Are Cornhole Boards?

How far apart are cornhole boards? They are wooden or plastic courts standing on a pair of legs with a hole placed a little bit up from the bottom a little bit towards the middle. These boards are normally 2ft. by 4ft. and the hole is 6 inches dia and 9 inches from the top. While there are some prescribed ways of forming boards especially for competitive play, the general dimension of the boards is pretty much standard whether you are playing for recreation or competition.

Official Cornhole Board Distance

During the regulation play cornhole boards are placed 27 feet apart from each other. This is in terms of measurement from one front face of one board or piece of timber to the front face of the adjacent board or piece of timber. Because the distance is maintained players get to use their skills and be precise as exposure is eliminated.

Playing ‘social’ rubber can reduce the distance between the two tables to 21 feet, which is okay for kids or learners in the game.

Why Does Distance Matter in Cornholes?

Another factor that defines the degree of the mission’s complexity is the distance between the boards. When players place the boards too close to each other, the game becomes too easy and bores everyone. Conversely, if players set the boards too far apart, a team struggles to score most of their shots.

To reduce as much fun or luck as possible without imposing a challenge that players at different levels of the game cannot meet, the designers set the standard distance at 27 feet.

Setting Up Cornhole Boards

Getting the setup right requires careful measurement. Follow these steps for setting up your boards:

  1. Measure the distance: To make the spacing accurate, use a tape measure to measure equal distance between each board where desired distance is 27 feet (21 for a casual game). In every measurement, use the distance between the front side of one board to the front side of the other.
  2. Ensure proper alignment: All the boards should be placed side by side; the holes must also be in positions where they will be opposite each other. See to it that the extremities of the board where the hole is located is elevated than the rest of the board.
  3. Check the ground: Thus, it is necessary to place Cornhole boards on a flat surface. On smooth surfaces the bags can have a normal trajectory but when on uneven surfaces they may have an abnormal trajectory they take in falling on the board.

Cornhole Board Placement: Regulation vs Casual Play

When playing casually, especially with kids or beginners, you might not follow all the official regulations. Here’s a quick comparison:

Aspect Regulation Setup Casual Setup
Distance Between Boards 27 feet 21 feet
Bag Weight 14-16 ounces Any weight
Board Height 12 inches from the ground Can vary

For official competitions, everything from the board’s distance to the bags’ weight must be standard. However, for friendly matches, feel free to adjust these factors to match the players’ skill levels.

Tips for Accurate Cornhole Measurements

These tips will help you place your boards correctly, whether you’re a beginner or preparing for a serious game.

  • Use a tape measure: Boards can be spaced either improperly or irregularly and this depends on estimates rather than accurate measurements.
  • Adjust for wind: When in a field set the boards in such a manner that is least affected by winds which always have a tendency of blowing the bags off course.
  • A small green car is parked on the boards.
    • The picture is accompanied by the advice: Always find a flat spot to place the boards.
    • This advice helps ensure stability and safety.
    • Level surface: That is because the normal control of the ball becomes challenging and the standard of play gets disrupted especially when the game is played on a slope or on uneven terrain.The internet page shows a picture of a man standing on four pieces of boards placed on wet ground.

Cornhole Game Rules

Applying the proper distance between the boards is important, but knowing some cornhole rules will also help improve the result. Here’s a brief rundown of how the game works:

Bags touching the board area give one point while bags that fall in the hole give the player three points. The game has to go on until one of the players or teams playing gets, or gets closer to twenty one points as opposed to the other players or team. They use cancellation scoring. If both teams score in a round, they subtract the number of goals scored by the second team from the number scored by the first team. For instance, the scores for Team A are 5, while for Team B, they are 3. To calculate the points, subtract the score of Team B from the score of Team. As a result, Team A receives 2 points for the round.

If you have the right board distance and know the basic rules, you can have the most fun out of a cornhole game. You can enjoy cornhole whether you’re playing for leisure or in a professional setting. With the proper board distance, you’ll maximize your enjoyment of the game. A firm understanding of the rules will enhance your experience, whether you’re playing for fun or competing in a tournament.

What Happens If the Distance Is Incorrect?

When players arrange the boards close to one another, they face less challenge, making it easier to score goals. However, when the boards are placed too far apart, the game becomes unattainable, especially for first-time players. An improper distance also changes the approach that a player has to use since he will not have to worry about accuracy or the degree of flexibility.

Spacing the boards properly enhances the level of difficulty added to the game as well as enjoyment.


How far apart are cornhole boards for professional tournaments?

The official distance between cornhole boards for professional tournaments is 27 feet, measured from the front of one board to the front of the other.

Can I adjust the board distance for casual play?

Yes! For casual play, you can reduce the distance between the boards to 21 feet, which is ideal for beginners or children.

Does the surface matter when setting up cornhole boards?

Yes, playing on a level surface is important. Uneven ground can cause the boards to shift or the bags to bounce unpredictably.

How high should the cornhole boards be off the ground?

The front edge of the board should sit about 3-4 inches above the ground. While the back edge should be 12 inches off the ground, creating the perfect incline.

Can I play cornhole indoors?

Certainly! As long as you have enough space to place the boards 27 feet apart and a ceiling high enough to avoid obstructing the bags in flight, an indoor cornhole is a fun alternative.

What happens if I step over the line when throwing?

In official play, stepping over the front of the board (the foul line) is a violation. The throw won’t count, and the bag should be removed from play for that round.


How far apart are cornhole boards? Everyone plays and enjoys cornhole during their normal Bahama nights events. Serious cornhole players also take the game more competitively. The distance from the board is an important factor to consider. This helps to make the experience balanced and fun. Whether you are playing according to the rules and regulations or making changes for a funny family game, knowing the exact distance of the cornhole boards is crucial. Accurate measurements ensure the game is played correctly and fairly. The precise distance contributes significantly to the overall enjoyment of the game.

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